Thursday, April 5, 2007

Stressed and Tired

I don't know why I decided to start this thing... maybe it's because I have a lot to write about. anyways, things have been extremely stressful lately. My senior thesis project is due really soon and I still have to do lots of work for it. I'm still interested in my topic though, which kind've surprises me. I always get bored so quickly...especially when I work on something every single day. I'm excited that in the next couple of weeks I will be in the printmaking studio and silkscreening! Sometimes I wish I could make a living as a printmaker. I know you're probably laughing, but I am completely serious. There is something so great about producing design by hand. It's the entire process that I enjoy. (Not just turning on the printer)

Ok, that sounds really nerdy. Hmm..I am graduating on May 18 and the exhibition is on May 17. It is all so exciting! I can't believe that college will finally be over. I might not even stay in New York...that's a depressing thought that I won't elaborate on. It is snowing today. Can you believe it? It's April! Whatttt is going on! It drives me crazy. The weather tweaks my mood.

Anyways, I'm leaving work soon...

will write more later!

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