Friday, September 26, 2008

Left Field.

I am thankful. A year and a half here has been tiring and has made me realize so much about what I value.


Friday, February 1, 2008


Question: What subculture do you participate in?

My Anwer: I participate in the American Apparel subculture. It’s colorful and comfy. And everyone thinks I am from Brooklyn or the Lower East Side, which I am not.


And no, I wasn't trying to be clever.

A Gloomy Day

It's a gloomy day and I am hoping that the sun will come out tomorrow. I hate the winter weather of New York...even after four + years of being here.

Anyway, I feel so lost in my life. It's kind of a hard feeling to explain. Maybe it's the job that I'm not entirely happy with, or the fact that I'm still missing school. hmm. I always feel like I want to be traveling and exploring. I don't know if I'll stay in New York forever. Maybe it's a temporary thing? I love the city, but at the same time...the city is just so loud.

I want to sit in Central Park and read a book. And go get a snowcone at a carnival. And go to the Museum of Natural History. And eat at a cafe outside. And talk to random strangers. And speak another language.

Things I want to do before I turn 25:

-Volunteer/teach a class at a design school

-Be somewhat fluent in Spanish

-Mentor a design student

-Collaborate with other designers on various projects

-launch a t-shirt line

i'm sure i'll add more stuff to my list.