Sunday, April 22, 2007

A Day in the Studio

The weather has been amazing this weekend! Too bad I was stuck indoors printing in the studio yesterday...oh well. My back aches like crazy becaues yesterday I was hunched over printing from 12pm-5pm. Man, what a day. As I was in the studio, I thought of how much time I'm sacrificing for my senior thesis project and why it's all going to be worth it. Last week I was really down in the gutter, but now it's all better and I am still working.

I'm excited for the summer even though I have no idea what I'm really doing. (Besides going to London.) I have a few thoughts here and there...I know I'll be back in LA, NY, and I hope to visit Italy again. I LOVE ITALY. The culture is amazing and the sights are beautiful!

Hmm...what else to say. Today I'm going back to the silkscreening studio for another day of printing hang tags. fun, right? hahaha. I hope to finish early so I can walk around the village for a while. We'll see if that really happens.

Anyway, that's it!

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